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Your Strengths, Your Superpowers for Mental Health

Meantal Health Strength Finder

Informații despre insignăValidări
This badge is awarded for completing the Discover Your Strengths activity. By exploring your strengths through personal reflection, group discussions, or creative expression, you have developed a deeper understanding of how your strengths contribute to your mental health and well-being. By recognising the positive qualities that help you navigate challenges, you have shown resilience and self-awareness.

Skills and experiences gained (aligned with the European LifeComp competences framework):
  • Self-awareness (connected to LifeComp P1 Self-regulation): You’ve clearly understood your strengths and how they support your emotional well-being. By recognising your capabilities, you’ve boosted your confidence and built resilience in dealing with mental health challenges.
  • Confidence-building (connected to LifeComp P1 Flexibility) Through self-reflection and creative expression, you’ve learned to adapt to changing situations by focusing on your strengths, helping you stay grounded and confident during tough times.
  • Resilience (connected to LifeComp P3 Wellbeing): You’ve discovered how to apply your strengths to overcome personal challenges, reinforcing your mental and emotional resilience.

By completing badge tasks, you have demonstrated your ability to recognise and celebrate your strengths and how they contribute to your well-being. This badge acknowledges your self-awareness, resilience, and confidence growth, preparing you to contribute to the European Youth Goal #5 Mental Health and Wellbeing. Cities of Learning Network partners value badge earner's efforts and contributions and issue this badge after reviewing the provided evidence.
You have to finish 2 tasks to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Reflect on your strengths:
  • Task: Participate in small group activities to explore and share your strengths in a safe space.
  • Evidence: Share the 3-5 strengths you identified and how the group exploration and sharing process has impacted your confidence and well-being.
Conectați-vă și începeți misiunea
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Complete a personal reflection journal:
  • Task: Reflect on your strengths through a guided journaling exercise, focusing on how your strengths help you overcome challenges in your life.
  • Evidence: Submit an image of your journal entry, explaining 2-3 moments where you applied your strengths and what you learned about yourself.
Conectați-vă și începeți misiunea
Task no.3
Evidence verified by: un organizator al activității
Everyone is creative:
  • Task: Complete Creative Types by Adobe test and identify your strengths in being a creative person.
  • Evidence: Submit a screenshot of the test results and share 2-3 situations where you can apply your creativity to solving life challenges.
Conectați-vă și începeți misiunea


Your Strengths, Your Superpowers for Mental Health
Boost Your Well-being: Take Action for Mental Health
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