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Centrul de ajutorCities of LearningFeatures of the Cities of Learning platform

Features of the Cities of Learning platform

The digital platform for Cities and Regions of Learning has essential functionality to create thriving learning ecosystems:
  • learners can use an interactive map to easily navigate through learning pathways in the territory, searching and filtering learning Activities offered by various Organisers;
  • organisers can create Learning Playlists by combining local and digital activities organised into thematic learning pathways;
  • learners can collect digital Open Badges to record, certificate and showcase their experiences, skills and achievements on their digital portfolio. Organisations and institutions that use the platform can access data and analytics about learning and impact.

The digital platform has integrated the European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) database of the European multilingual classification of Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations. Other frameworks of occupations, competences, skills and qualifications can be added upon request.

We follow the human-centred design process, consulting learners and organisations on the user experience and the design of the platform. Hence the platform is evolving and adapting to our partners and beneficiaries’ needs.

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Features of the Cities of Learning platformValues guiding Cities of LearningWhat is a City, Region or Island of Learning?
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