Share Organiser’s activities

Cities of Learning platform is a powerful learning management system that enables Organisers to facilitate and support learners in their activities and progress. The Organiser’s Account allows you to create and manage Activities, Playlists and Badges. Organisers can be any type of organisation, school, company, informal group or freelance service provider.

Share Organiser’s activities

  1. Open the Dashboard.
  2. Select the Organiser’s Account (Open dashboard -> Select organiser) you want to share.
  3. Copy URL of the website.
  4. Share the URL with others. By clicking on the URL people will be redirected to the Organiser’s Activities and Playlists.

Note! People will be able to see Organiser’s Activities and Playlist only if Organiser in the settings set “Visible to public”

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Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union
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