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Learning with and about digital technologies

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Learning with and about digital technologies



This is a collection of hands-on workshops that focus on learning with and about technology.

How to use it?
You can explore and learn by completing activities yourself. Or you can design and facilitate a workshop or series of them with your training participants.

Steps to take:
  • Step 1. Familiarise with the content, tools and activities included in this playlist.
  • Step 2. Choose and start from those activities that are relevant to your goals and/or participants in your training and learning activities.
  • Step 3. Get resources ready, prepare spaces, and print posters for participants to easily access activities.
  • Step 4. Do activities!

Awero organisation created this educational resource and activity to support trainers' digital competence development.

Activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for trainers to work internationally.

Want to endorse (?) our organisation, this activity and/or badge - send us an email! Contact us at for further questions.

Aktividat pa kompletá

Kompletá e siguiente aktividatnan, gana badge i lo bo mira progreso aktualisá di bo playlist
AI assistance to advance search and content creation
45 minüt
View full activity


Learn about safety and privacy on the web. Discover how cookies, trackers, mobile phones and other subjects collect data and what can be done with data.

Do Not Track is a personalized web series about privacy and the web economy. Learn by watching an interactive and personalised documentary series “Do not track”. Reflect on the following questions:
  • What did you learn about the privacy of the products which you tried? What did surprise you, if anything?
  • How can you use this platform in your training and learning activities?
Submit your reflection responses to the badge evidence below.

Disclaimer: featured in 2015, the documenter reflects and captures the state of the internet and online experience as they were back in that time. The Internet moved ahead meanwhile, however many technologies remain at use when we interact online.

Watch the "Do Not Track Me" movie trailer:

Directed by Brett Gaylor, the interactive movie has 7 episodes. The series, which combines short videos and interaction with viewers, educates people about who may be tracking them online and the amount of private information that they disclose through their Internet activities.

Inspiring resources:
  • Experts talking about privacy and data protection
  • Mozilla's articles on privacy and data protection
  • Guidelines to respect, protect and fulfil the rights of the child in the digital environment by the Council of Europe
  • Online webinar recording on Online Safety in Digital Youth Work

Awero organisation created this educational resource and activity to support trainers' digital competence development.

Activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for trainers to work internationally. In particular:
  • Is comfortable with exploring and experimenting digital technologies and tools;
  • Knows about power structures behind digital technologies and connected issues as datification, etc;
  • Is aware of the regulations and elaborates a safety plan, incorporating online privacy procedures and online behavioural recommendations when needed;
  • Knows and applies GDPR regulations in collecting, processing and sharing data;
  • Identifies and prevents risks connected to collecting and sharing data;
  • Choose and designing appropriate methods for collecting, interpreting and disseminating information (data, resources, findings, etc.).

Want to endorse (?) our organisation, this activity and/or badge - send us an email! Contact us at for further questions.

Optené badge di aktividat

Do Not Track Me Optené e badge akí

Badge earner watched an interactive documentary series “Do not track” to learn about safety and privacy on the web. Person have discovered how cookies, trackers, mobile phones and other subjects collect data and what can be done with data.

To get this badge, trainers
  • Used Mozilla's Privacy Not Included platform to check the privacy compliance of at least 2-3 internet-connected products.
  • Reflected on their experience and learning about privacy in general and specifically for some products and shared how they can use this platform in training and learning activities, including potential risks and challenges.

Activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for trainers to work internationally.
Learning duration: 60 mins.
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: un organisadó di aktividat
Watch the interactive documentary series "Do Not Track Me" and share your reflection on the following questions:
  1. What have you learned about privacy online? What did you find surprising?
  2. What insights do you have about privacy and data protection?
  3. How can you use this platform in your training and learning activities?
  4. What are the potential risks and challenges for privacy online?
If you have, include several screenshots from the documentary parts that mostly impacted your learning.


#Applies digital technologies, tools and e-learning where necessary/relevant in planning, designing, delivering and evaluating activities
#Where relevant, integrating ict, e-learning and other tools and methods into the educational activity
#Considers the political implications and the power structures in the use of digital media and technology
#Is aware of fake news issues, how to recognise, address and contrast them
#Refers to various assessment and self-assessment principles and methods
#Enables participants to be creative and think out of the box
#Identifies and recommends digital learning tools and resources to fulfil learners needs
#Refers to various ways of collecting information
#Applies appropriate methods and digital tools for assessment and self-assessment of their own learning achievements
#Is aware of the regulations and elaborates a safety plan, incorporating online privacy procedures and online behavioural recommendations when needed
#Is comfortable with exploring and experimenting digital technologies and tools
#Critically assesses the sources of information
#Connecting [youth] policies and educational programmes
#Identifies the digital literacy level of participants and adjusts activities accordingly
#Promoting creativity, problem-solving and 'out-of-the-box' thinking
#Identifies the information relevant to an issue or a question
#Knows and applies GDPR regulations in collecting, processing and sharing data
#Identifies and prevents risks connected to collecting and sharing data
#Refers to relevant digital technologies, tools and related uses in non-formal learning settings
#Choose and designing appropriate methods for collecting, interpreting and disseminating information (data, resources, findings, etc.)
#Dares to improvise and experiment and to acknowledge the importance of this
#Facilitates problem solving
#Knows about power structures behind digital technologies and connected issues as datification, etc
Aktividat: 9
Started: 7
Playlist kompletá: 0
Time to complete: 9 ora 45 minüt


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